


  • 品牌安捷伦
  • 产地美国
  • 型号序列更新到zei新的miRBase16.0版本
  • 关注度1436
  • 信息完整度
  • 仪器种类微阵列芯片系统
  • 产地美洲
  • 供应商性质生产商
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Discover novel pathways of gene regulation
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate the activity of specific mRNA targets and play crucial roles in a wide variety of biological processes, including gene expression, development, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Implicated in human diseases, miRNA expression signatures are an emerging class of molecular biomarkers.
Agilent’s high-performance miRNA Microarray Platform, with its set of optimized reagents and hardware, enables comprehensive miRNA expression profiling across a broad dynamic range, allowing you to confidently elucidate the role that miRNAs play in your research. Exceptionally sensitive and selective oligonucleotide probes enable discrimination between closely related mature miRNAs.  Agilent’s SurePrint technology and flexible probe design allow you to easily change and update content to accommodate newly discovered sequences. An efficient direct labeling procedure enables analysis of low total RNA sample input.
Significance analysis of microarray (SAM) plot showing differentially expressed miRNAs. Most miRNAs were not significant discriminators of class (gray circles), except for six miRNAs that were all significant and all upregulated in the class two tumors (white circles). miRNA, micro-RNA.1
1. Micro-RNAs associated with metastasis in uveal melanoma identified by multiplexed microarray profiling. Melanoma Research. 2008 18:184-190.
Agilent 人miRNA芯片13.0
1. Unrestricted human miRNA microarray (AMADID #021827)  
2. 866 human and 89 human viral miRNAs represented  
3.Complete content sourced from the Sanger miRBase, v.12.0  
4. Coupled probe design and labeling for optimal sensitivity and specificity  
5. 8 x 15K slide format printed using Agilent’s 60-mer SurePrint technology 
Agilent 小鼠miRNA芯片13.0
1. Unrestricted mouse miRNA microarray (AMADID #021828)  
2. 627 mouse miRNAs and 39 mouse viral miRNA represented  
3. Content sourced from the Sanger miRBase, v.12.0  
4. Coupled probe design and labeling for optimal sensitivity and specificity  
5. 8 x 15K slide format printed using Agilent’s 60-mer SurePrint technology 
Agilent 大鼠miRNA芯片
1. 350 rat miRNAs represented  
2. Complete content sourced from the Sanger miRBase, v.10.1 
3. Coupled probe design and labeling for optimal sensitivity and specificity
4. 8 x 15K slide format printed using Agilent’s 60-mer SurePrint technology  
Wang H et al. Direct and sensitive miRNA profiling from low-input total RNA. RNA. 13 (1): 151-9, 2007.
Abstract | PubMed |


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